Phillip Island Land Alliance
Respect Protect Connect

Surf Beach Sunderland Bay Coastcare Group
Care for the coast you love
Surf Beach Sunderland Bay (SBSB) Coastcare Group was formed around 2007 by an enthusiastic group of local volunteers with the aim of protecting the wide variety of coastal vegetation communities, including grassland and heathland, and the biodiversity of Surf Beach and Sunderland Bay at Phillip Island.
In particular, our dunes are a seasonal home to migratory Short-tailed Shearwaters, commonly known as Muttonbirds, and the endangered Hooded Plovers that breed along our sandy beaches.

Our Aim
Our Surf Beach Sunderland Bay Coastcare Group volunteers are involved in the following activities in partnership with Phillip Island Nature Park (PINP) to help our community connect, understand and act to rehabilitate and protect our precious biodiversity now and for future generations:
Weed removal
Seed collection
Erosion control
Photo point monitoring
GPS Mapping
Grant application writing
Promotions and Social Media
Tours and events
School talks

Our Projects
Grass Trigger plants, Stylidiums are now in full bloom and can be viewed from our Surf Beach to Sunderland Bay boardwalk. They are protected by rabbit exclusion cages and this is the first year we have seen them flower since these cages next to the boardwalk were installed a couple of years ago during the COVID period. Do yourself a favour and go check them out!
Rabbit control on Phillip Island
An exciting new program to eradicate rabbits on Phillip Island kicks off in 2022. With Foxes eliminated and a long-term feral cat program established, rabbits are the next feral animal in the crosshairs. Rabbits are highly destructive animals that threaten many native species and ecosystems and can destabilise homes if they establish underneath them.
As part of this greater ‘Teaming Up to Tackle Rabbits’ Project, there is a large focus on empowering communities and helping landowners to rabbit-proof their own homes. This comes in the form of a 50% subsidy with all Phillip Island landholders being eligible.
Works we can offer under this subsidy include warren fumigation, harbour removal/destruction, rabbit proof fence materials and installation, Pindone baiting* and follow up spotlight shooting for rural properties.
How the subsidy comes into play is that the more of this work the landholder takes on, the cheaper the cost. For example, Bass Coast Landcare Network can supply and train landholders in Pindone baiting and rabbit-proof fence installation and should the landholder complete the works, the cost will be largely reduced.
This project is 2 years into its 3-year lifespan, so get in now while this great opportunity lasts and tackle the rabbits in your own backyard!

Get Involved
Our working bees are held on the third Sunday of every month and from our 50 or so members we have 15 active regulars that show up in rain, hail, or even when the surf is up!
As a volunteer you can get involved in planting, weeding, seed collecting, erosion control, photo point monitoring, GPS mapping, promotions and social media, research, grant writing, and organising events.
We welcome you to join our group. All ages are welcome. Annual membership is $10.
For membership enquiries contact: